
Size was never the object, our daily business is performance

2012: BOHNZIRLEWAGEN was founded in Munich when two experienced and successful partners at a leading real estate consultancy decided to follow their dream after 13 years of collaboration. Prof. Thomas Bohn and Jörg Zirlewagen simply want to be entrepreneurs and consultants. They want to be directly and personally involved in their clients’ projects and are happy to assume responsibility for achieving results from the initial concept through to its implementation. Not least because of its hand-picked team, the Munich-based company now operates throughout Germany and has achieved success for its clients from day one.



2012: Zwei erfahrene und erfolgreiche Partner eines führenden Immobiliendienstleisters beschließen nach 13 gemeinsamen Jahren, ihrer Leidenschaft zu folgen. Prof. Dr. Thomas Bohn und Jörg Zirlewagen werden Unternehmer und Berater und gründen in München BOHNZIRLEWAGEN. Sie wollen direkt und persönlich in Projekte einsteigen, unmittelbar an der Seite des Kunden Verantwortung übernehmen, Ergebnisse schaffen – von der Entwicklung bis zur Realisierung. Und dank eines handverlesenen Teams ist das inzwischen bundesweit tätige Münchner Unternehmen vom ersten Tag an erfolgreich für seine Kunden tätig.

Consultancy approach

The company’s credo is acting on behalf of the developer

BOHNZIRLEWAGEN sees itself as a holistic consultancy for real estate projects. Due to BOHNZIRLEWAGEN’s many years of experience and extensive expertise, we can understand and recognise the critical challenges and risks associated with a real estate project. This is the essence of our consultancy concept: as the developer’s representative, we assume full responsibility for the management and leadership of construction and real estate projects, and see ourselves primarily as a partner at decision-maker level. This service frees up valuable resources for the client’s core business, particularly for developers without their own construction department or established project development structures.

Our real estate project consultancy service supports potential developers and investors from the initial phase of a real estate project. In real terms, this means that we offer our clients all the technical, commercial and legal services and analyses required for successful project development. As with management tasks, we instruct and co-ordinate a proven and professionally competent network of specialists and specialised companies.


With our many years of wide-ranging experience, both in the overall process and in specialised disciplines, we are able to support you as a technical and commercial advisor, and as a personal sparring partner.

  • Project set-up
  • Project leadership
  • Project management

Whether you require help with an existing property or development project, or individual spaces, buildings or property portfolios, you will benefit from our independent expertise on your specific issue. We make your issues our own and develop holistic solutions.

  • Development consultancy
  • Portfolio analysis and property consultancy
  • Occupier advice
  • Organisation and process consultancy

Visions impress; cost/benefit analyses convince. We supervise the provision and utilisation of funds, quality control and scheduling throughout all phases of the process for developers, investors and lenders.

  • Investor and bank controlling
  • Project audit
  • Project monitoring

Would you like to learn more about our methodology and working practices?


BOHNZIRLEWAGEN sieht sich als unabhängiger Partner des Bauherren für die erfolgreiche Entwicklung und sichere Realisierung von anspruchsvollen Immobilienprojekten.


Von der strategischen Erarbeitung des Zielbilds über die professionelle Begleitung in allen Projektphasen bis zur Übergabe sichert BOHNZIRLEWAGEN den Projekterfolg


Im vertrauensvollen Austausch mit dem Bauherren reduziert BOHNZIRLEWAGEN die Projektrisiken.


Durch operative Exzellenz und hochqualifizierte, technisch-wirtschaftlich spezialisierte Mitarbeiter entlastet BOHNZIRLEWAGEN den Bauherren. Der Auftraggeber sichert sich so seine Kapazitäten für das Kerngeschäft bei Wahrung der vollständigen Kontrolle über das Projekt.


Wherever you are building in Germany, we are there for you




